Conversations around Strategic Design and Organisational Culture

John Boult conducts guided journeys across Organisational Innovation or Brand landscapes .…..

It’s impossible to talk about organizational culture without the words innovation or brand being brought into the conversation…. Usually it’s how vital they both are, followed by how difficult to build into the culture of an organisation.

That innovation and brand are critical to effective culture and vice versa is today taken as a given. How design can effect integration of these elements is not. The impact of design on culture is something I noticed quite some time ago, but saw it only as a by-product rather than a fundamental activity. People, including myself in my design consultancy roles, could see the consequences of our work on how people started to approach new challenges, how they organised work and their workplace, how they interacted with colleagues in more open and collaborative ways, but usually we just moved on to the next project. On reflection it appeared that a design thinking or design approach to culture could bring about quite considerable change…. make a company become more innovative or get serious about
Iinternal branding or both

Ultimately, as we all know, it is the people within organisations that bring about transformation. But how to empower those people, inspire, seed ideas, start the conversation, expose them to the tools and methods that they might use, talk about design? This is what I now do…….

Guide journeys into an Organisation’s Innovation or Brand landscape and Start Conversations about the ‘design’ of a new culture.

How? ….through highly creative workshops, many via third parties, and also by talks based on Innovation, Brands, Design Strategy and Organisational Culture Change