Conversations around Strategic Design and Organisational Culture

 I started in Science, moved to Technology & Engineering, rushed into Marketing, International Marketing and Consultancy, fell into design… and stayed…..(see below) now I consider myself a Design Strategy consultant specialising in design as an innovation and brand cultural change agent.

Back in the mid 80's I co-founded Productfirst, a UK based product, packaging and design innovation consultancy

ProductFirst Limited

Later we acquired an interest in a Japanese Brand Agency, Michael Peters (Asia-Pacific) Limited, and I was a director. I was also honoured to become a founding member of the editorial board and contributor tonewdesignmagazine, I also am a co-founder of the Somerset Design Enterprise Network and have advised or sit on, numerous educational initiatives and external advisory boards.

Michael Peters (Asia Pacific) Limited

Client and project experience runs from Asahi and Apple to Nokia and Koikeya, through P&G, Lego, Jordan, Unilever, Kraft and 3M and….. In the field of NGO and Government bodies I have consulted widely and facilitated training initiatives for the UK Design Council and its Designing Demand programme,South West Design Forum, EPSRC, Design Management Europe Award (DME), EU Leonardo, Russian Ministry of Economic Development and programmes for Portuguese, Brazilian, Korean, Taiwanese and Chinese organisations.

There is an academic perspective as I am also an Associate Professor of Design Strategy at Brunel University. My involvement with the Brunel Design Masters Courses in Innovation and Branding stretches back some twenty years to when the course first started. In those days it was guest lectures, today I run two of the five taught modules and lecture on others. (That’s me on the far right). The course is arguably one of the most successful and ceratinly pioneering courses in Design Strategy, anywhere.

So there it is …. a blend of theory and practical experience.